Have you ever considered the name you were given?
Perhaps you were named to honor an ancestor, or in remembrance of someone well loved and respected.
For many, there are stories attached to why their name was chosen – rich with significance. For others, their name is simply something that appealed to their parents.
I reflected on this, as I gazed at the harbor of A Coruña, Galicia, my grandfather’s hometown in Spain.
I sat on a bench in the shade, listening to the sound of water, and wondering about what led him to leave his home at the age of 18 to come to the United States.
Mi Abuelo
I see the world through eyes like his
The shape, the color and brows
Mine have seen a different world than his
And fill with tears never to have heard his stories
My grandfather, José Luciano Patiño, passed away when I was five years old. I have only the vaguest memory of him. But he’s so close in my heart right now while I’m in the land of his ancestors and mine.
To honor my connection with him and the land of Galicia, I’m excited to share this special place with you during our Emerald Gem Mindful Adventure, from May 25 to June 2, 2025.
This October, I’m opening up my calendar to have a one-on-one conversation with anyone who is interested in exploring this unique opportunity.
Sending my best from this beautiful path of El Camino.
Let your wisdom lead,