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Mindful Adventure Stories



Necessities of Life

How well do you know yourself and what you need?

Not all of us are blessed with the ability to drop out of life for a period to focus on answering this question. Even while living in the press of daily life and its obligations, there are options for gaining the clarity and self-knowledge that will support a happy, healthy and less stressful life. (See my recent blog, Five Steps for Creating A New Now, for practical advice on how.)

Following are the necessities of life that I developed for myself after a one year sabbatical in Costa Rica. I hope they serve as an inspiration in finding your own!

“So what had I learned about myself and what nurtured and supported me? I spent January 2010 tucked into my family´s cozy beach cottage integrating my experiences and practicing gratitude for all of the beautiful people who crossed my path.

My necessities of life after one year on the jungle path:

  • A yoga mat and time to practice

  • An uncluttered space

  • A deep, hot soaking tub

  • A romantic relationship with the right man

  • A morning walk in nature

  • A home that feels comfortable

  • A goal to work towards

  • The belief that I am exactly where I need to be

  • Peace and privacy, as well as ready access to an open-minded community

  • An abundant income

Not so much really, I thought, amazed at the simplicity. It takes concentrated energy to determine what you want. Once expended, however, you can relax, place yourself in circumstances likely to contain what you want, and observe what life presents you until the right situation manifests. Your energy can be focused productively on other areas.”

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